Project: Tsikoane Water Supply and Sanitation Scheme
Funder: Government of Lesotho
Budget: 8 000 000
Implementing Agency: Water and Sewerage Company
Project: Tsikoane Water Supply and Sanitation Scheme
Funder: Government of Lesotho
Budget: 8 000 000
Implementing Agency: Water and Sewerage Company
Physical Progress: The project is almost complete. The Tsikoane water treatment plant will be connected to the Hlotse water system.
The main objective of Tsikoane Water Supply and Sanitation Project is to improve the health and living conditions of communities in the Tsikoane area through the development of sustainable water supply and sanitation services. The water supply system is designed to serve a projected population of over 18,000 by 2035 with a water demand of 211/s. The major components of the project include 1M1 reinforced concrete bulk reservoir; 60m3 reinforced concrete collection tank; six(6) pressed steel tanks with capacity ranging from 100m3 to 400m3; over 100km length of pipe work in the collector pipes, pumping main, gravity mains and reticulation system; installation of submersible pumps and associated control devices in six boreholes; construction of six(6) borehole chambers ;construction of pump house and operation buildings; installation of three surface pumps(two duty+one standby);Installation of aeration and chlorination system; installation of telemetry system for automated operation of pumps; construction of about five(5)km length of access road to boreholes, collection tank and bulk reservoir; and construction of 2,500 Ventilated Improved Pit Latrines.