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Mission & Vision


By the year 2020, the Basotho nation shall have an improved standard of living through a well developed water resource base and Sanitation.


To provide sustainable development and management of water resources, and provision of potable water and sanitation for socio economic development of the Basotho.


  1.  To strengthen the development and management of water resources and Sanitation facilities.
  2. To increase access to portable water and sanitation services to all consumers, reliably, affordably and on a sustainable basis.
  3.  To advise and disseminate information on water resources for informed decision making for planning and development.


Linkage of ministry objectives with vision pillars, MDGs and NSDP

01 – To strengthen the development and management of water resources and Sanitation facilities

02 – Develop key infrastructure (Minimum Infrastructure Platform).
05 – Reverse environmental degradation and adapt to climate change SDGs.
06 – Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
09 – Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

Vision Pillar
05 – Strong Economy and Prosperous Nation
06 – A Well Managed Environment

02 – To increase access to portable water and sanitation services to all consumers, reliably, affordably and on a sustainable basis

04 – Improve health, combat HIV and AIDS and reduce vulnerability

06 – Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Vision Pillar
05 – Strong Economy and Prosperous Nation

03 – To advise and disseminate information on water resources for informed decision making for planning and development

02 – Develop key infrastructure (Minimum Infrastructure Platform)
03 – Enhance the skills base, technology adoption and foundation for innovation

06 – Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Vision Pillar
05 – Strong Economy and Prosperous Nation

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