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To manage quantity and quality of surface and subsurface water resources of Lesotho for socio-economic development of Basotho.

Key Functions
Water resources assessment and development
Wetlands conservation and rehabilitation
Water use management

The department of water affairs has five divisions namely: Hydrology, Groundwater, Water Rights, Research & Development and Water Resources.

Assessment and management of surface water resources through a network of Hydrometric stations that are distributed throughout the country. The information and data that is available at the department includes river flows, sediment transport, dam water levels, and water situation reports. The data collection is carried out in collaboration with stakeholders such as LHDA, WASCo, and DWA-SA.

The Map below shows the distribution of Hydrometric stations:


Assessment and management of ground water resources through exploration, borehole construction, aquifer tests and monitoring of spring yields and borehole water levels. The data collection is carried out in collaboration with stakeholders such as private drillers, NGOs and other government institutions.

  1. Boreholes in the country

2. Monitoring Springs and monitoring boreholes


Boreholes 168.28 KB 814 downloads


Springs 639.53 KB 236 downloads


Water Rights
Administer the Water Act for protection and management of water resources through Water Use Permits and Construction Permits. Assessment and management of ground water and surface water quality.

  1. How to apply for permits, who is to apply and requirements. 
  2. A register of water uses (irrigation, domestic, bottling) 

Rights To Use Water 273.45 KB 349 downloads


Water Resources
The general information and data accruing from other divisions are kept, managed and disseminated by this division. Development and coordination of all water resources projects within the Department and ensures the sustainable use, conservation and sound management of wetlands in Lesotho through inventory, monitoring and rehabilitation of wetlands in consultation with other stakeholders for socio-economic development of Basotho.


  1. Khubelu Sponges Project, Khubelu Mokhotlong

Protection of Khubelu wetlands, which form part of Senqu sources, through soft “social” & hard “infrastructural” interventions (SADC, ORASECOM, GIZ)

  1. Assessment of groundwater resources in the South Phuthiatsana catchment using isotope methods (IAEA)

To determine groundwater recharge areas, age, velocity, and interaction with surface water, with integration of isotope hydrology approaches for data collection and interpretation

  1. Classification of Watercourses and Assessment of Environmental Flows (IDA)

To develop a robust framework to describe the state of the aquatic environment (wetlands, surface water, groundwater) that can guide classification, monitoring and sustainable development of water resources in Lesotho

  1. Monitoring for Environment and Security in Africa SADC (MESA SADC)

To monitor changing conditions of natural resources and weather patterns in near real time for decision making, in relation to Agriculture, Drought, Floods and Wildfires, using proven satellite and land based monitoring technologies.


Director: Mr Motoho `Maseatile

Heads of Divisions:
1. Groundwater
2. Hydrology
3. Water Rights
4. Water Resources
5. Research and Development


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