The Department of Rural water Supply (DRWS) is responsible forwater supply and sanitation infrastructure development and service delivery in the rural areas.
This is done through community managed water schemes and support to on-site sanitation. Integration of implementation of rural water supply with programmes of sanitation and hygiene education is done concurrently in order to realise a full health benefits of accessibility to potable water and sanitation facilities.
1. We strive to be the best organisation with decentralised decision making powers, rationalised procedures and increasing autonomy in order to meet specific demands of our clients.
2. To involve and assist communities in project formulation and implementation.
3. To build capacity and empower communities in the operation and maintenance of water supply systems through our community liaison programme.
4. Commit to outsourcing our activities to consultants, private contractors and other organisations in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of water supply systems in order to accelerate sustained coverage and contribute towards national job creation.
Mission Statement
The department of Rural Water Supply is in the service of provision of sustainable and adequate potable water to rural communities. We intend to remain in this business and work in partnership with other departments, the private sector, non-governmental organisations and communities to improve quality of life of our people.
Goal 1
We strive to be the best organisation, with decentralized decision-making powers, rationalized procedures and increasing autonomy in order to meet the specific demands
Goal 2
We involve and assist communities in project formulation and implementation and we build capacity and empower them in operation and maintenance of water supply systems through our community liaison programme.
Goal 3
In order to accelerate sustained coverage and contribute towards national job creation, we will work towards outsourcing our activities by involving consultants, private contractors and other organizations, in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of water supply systems.
We strive for sustainable demand driven water supply of high quality and appropriate standards. We are committed to active marketing and establishing strong co-ordination with the provision of sanitation facilities, and improved health.
We value our customers; therefore we are committed to satisfy them by meeting their desires through subsidized services.
We are aware of our responsibilities to all internal and external stakeholders; therefore we will conduct our business honestly and practice highest level of moral standards.
Location of District Offices